ASBESTOS REMOVAL OTTAWA - Asbestos in the home Asbestos Removal Ottawa - AUCOIN'S

Asbestos has been used to make products strong, long-lasting and fire-resistant. Production and use of asbestos have declined since the 1970s. Before 1990, asbestos was mainly used for insulating buildings and homes against cold weather, noise and for fireproofing. It may also be found in some auto parts.

Asbestos may be found in:

  • Cement and plaster

  • Building insulation

  • House siding

  • Floor and ceiling tiles

  • Car and truck brake pads

  • Furnaces and heating systems


  • Avoid disturbing asbestos materials yourself — there are no significant health risks if materials containing asbestos are tightly bound in products and in good condition; sealed behind walls and floorboards; isolated in an attic; and left undisturbed

  • Before doing any major renovations, remodelling or demolitions, reduce your risk of exposure in the home by hiring a professional to test for asbestos

  • If asbestos is found, hire a qualified asbestos removal specialist to get rid of it before beginning work

  • Asbestos may be found in some replacement car parts; be sure to check with your auto parts dealer before doing any work yourself

For more information:

Ottawa Asbestos Removal Service

  1. What Is Asbestos?

    • Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was commonly used in construction materials due to its fire-resistant and insulating properties.

    • However, prolonged exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to serious health issues, including lung diseases and cancer.

  2. Asbestos Removal Process:

    • Inspection: A thorough inspection is conducted to identify any asbestos presence in your home or building.

    • Containment: If asbestos is detected, the affected area is isolated and secured to prevent further contamination.

    • Removal: Trained asbestos abatement teams use containment procedures, negative air machines, wetting techniques, and protective equipment to safely remove the asbestos.

    • Disposal: Asbestos waste is carefully disposed of following regulations.

  3. Health Over Finances:

    • Asbestos removal is not just about finances; it’s primarily about health. Prioritizing safety is crucial when dealing with asbestos.

  4. Professional Services:

Asbestos In The Home
Asbestos In The Home